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The CWDGA invites you to attend its 2024 Fall Annual Meeting at 10 a.m. on October 09, 2024 (Wednesday), at Itasca Country Club.

This is open to all CWDGA members. Golf Chairs, Handicap Chairs, Rules Chairs & Team Captains are encouraged to attend.

We will start with a short business meeting with a recap of the 2024 CWDGA season, recognition of Hole-in-One recipients, and a preview of the tournaments planned for the 2025 season. We will also have a membership vote for the 2025 Slate of Officers as well as proposed changes to the CWDGA Constitution.

To see the proposed slate, click here - Slate.

To see the proposed CWDGA Constitution, click here - Consitution.

We look forward to seeing you.